You Might Notice A Different Texture In Our Almondmilk (Here's Why)

When we started New Barn, our goal was to make organic Almondmilk that was as much like homemade as possible. With only three products to our name, we got our company off the ground by making Almondmilk that reminded our customers of how it tasted when they made it at home.

Now, four years later and with 19 new products coming out this year, we’re rapidly expanding our operations. Our growth has provided us access to better equipment which can grind our almonds more finely. We’re also able to filter our Almondmilk more thoroughly than before. This results in a smoother texture, which some of our customers have noticed lately. Don’t worry, we still make the same homemade-quality organic Almondmilk… it’s just that we make it with different equipment now.

Our goal is to make as many of our customers as happy as possible, always focusing on the quality of our products. Our recent texture change will allow us to do both, offering our customers the highest quality Almondmilk they know and love, just with a less grainy texture.

We’ve made a few other changes that our customers have noticed: we’ve switched our Almondmilk packaging from the old 28 oz plastic bottles to our new 32 oz PlantCarton™, reducing 80% of the plastic from our supply chain; we reformulated our AlmondCrème to remove the eggs from our products, making them 100% vegan; and we updated our brand name to New Barn Organics to reflect our long-term commitment to regenerative organic agriculture. All of these changes reflect our purpose to make simple, nourishing organic food that honors the land and people who produce it.

Nothing matters more to us than hearing from our customers. If you have any thoughts or feedback on our recent changes, please drop us a line at

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